Book Review: All American Girl - Ready or Not!

Samantha Madison had shot to fame when she'd save the President from an assassin. Somehow, in the first book, she lands herself in the White House and falls in love with the First Son, David. But all that is the past. The Sam we get to see in the 2nd book, has dyed her red hair black and is confused because everyone seems to be pressurizing her for something or another.
The President wants her to come to a live MTV chat, to support his cause. His son wants them to Do It. Her art teacher, Susan Boone, seems to think she's ready to take life painting classes. And Sam doesn't seem to be able to cope with half of what is happening in her life.
While I like the awkward Sam, her sister Lucy and the slew of characters Cabot introduces us to, I failed to find the charm The Mediator and The Princess Diaries brought. Samantha falls short of the brilliance I'd felt in the other characters.
Of course, Cabot created the character of Sam in that way. And perhaps a two-novel story doesn't really have much dimensions to explore. But I'll admit, David lacked the kickass quality Jesse possessed or the one Michael had. I couldn't exactly put on my finger on what was it that truly bothered me about All American Girl: Ready or Not.
I wish I could tell you at least one good thing about the book. I found the usage of caps lock very annoying, not to mention the peppering of SAT words throughout. Perhaps, this one was for the teenagers. Twenty somethings shouldn't be bothered with such books.
But can you really blame me? Or judging a book by its author? :D Here's hoping the next books from Meg Cabot's pen are going to be far more entertaining reads than this one!